Apr 19, 2012

May 19, 2016 · To start, exactly as it was displayed on my own Mac OS X El Capitan system, here are some folder and file icons: If you hold down the Control key and click on the desktop, you’ll get the Desktop context menu: Mar 30, 2019 · Make Mac icons bigger: Dock. Head to System Preferences and – surprise, surprise – click the Dock option on the top row. This will bring up a window with two sliders… If you simply want to make the icons bigger, use the first slider. Note that you can make them very, very big and very, very small (those are the technical terms). I prefer Apr 22, 2018 · If you’ve got a high-resolution Retina display (like the MacBook Pro or the 12″ MacBook have) it’s easy to adjust everything—text, icons, buttons, etc—on the display to be bigger. For decades, people with vision problems have adjusted their system resolution to make things like text and interface elements bigger. Jan 19, 2018 · If you see icons with different sized previews of text, select the icon that says Larger Text and click OK. You’ve increased the size of everything on your Mac by lowering its resolution Oct 17, 2018 · If you like the Mac look, but you prefer (or afford) Windows, here is how you can make the Microsoft OS have a Mac OS appearance by making the appropriate configurations. FILES TO DOWNLOAD - Thank

Designer Stijn de Vries has created some icons of their own, bringing custom icons to some of the most popular apps likely to be installed on your Mac and living in your Dock. At the moment you can find icons for Nova, Step Two, Twitter, Github, Pages, Keynote, and Visual Studio Code.

How to customize folder icons on Mac - iOS • Mac

Sep 21, 2011 How to Customize File and Folder Icons on Your Mac Alternatively, there are a wealth of icon libraries hosted online, so you could try a web search for free icon pack downloads for Mac. Note: If you find icons online in the .icns format, you can