/docs/man1.1.0/man3/X509_get_serialNumber.html - OpenSSL

3.1.1 X509 objects - Python interface to the OpenSSL library get_serial_number() Return the certificate serial number. get_subject() Return an X509Name object representing the subject of the certificate. digest_name must be a string describing a digest algorithm supported by OpenSSL (by EVP_get_digestbyname, specifically). For example, "md5" or "sha1". add_extensions(extensions) How to generate a certificate revocation list (CRL) and Apr 10, 2015 Howto: Make Your Own Cert With OpenSSL on Windows | Didier Mar 30, 2015 Install a CA-signed SSL certificate with OpenSSL - Code42

Generate Serial numbers - Random Code Generator

X509_set_serialNumber() sets the serial number of certificate x to serial. A copy of the serial number is used internally so serial should be freed up after use. RETURN VALUES. X509_get_serialNumber() and X509_get0_serialNumber() return an ASN1_INTEGER structure. X509_set_serialNumber() returns 1 for success and 0 for failure. SEE ALSO The Prediction of Serial Number in OpenSSL’s X.509 Certificate In the configure file of OpenSSL “openssl.conf” (Figure 2), the term “serial” is related to the serial number. If the file “serial” in the current directory exists, the serial number can be set up in the file; that is to say, we can designate a number as the serial number in the file.

"OpenSSL" Managing Serial Numbers when Signing CSR

The serial number is a fixed length, it cuts off at 64 bits, but if one of those bits is necessarily a zero – you’ve just lost one bit of entropy. And while that may seem trivial, there is a 9 quintillion+ difference between 2^63 and 2^64. crypto — Generic cryptographic module — pyOpenSSL 19.1.0 Elliptic curves¶ OpenSSL.crypto.get_elliptic_curves ¶ Return a set of objects representing the elliptic curves supported in the OpenSSL build in use. The curve objects have a unicode name attribute by which they identify themselves.. The curve objects are useful as values for the argument accepted by Context.set_tmp_ecdh() to specify which elliptical curve should be used for ECDHE key exchange. Random Certificate Serial Numbers v2 - Dogtag Jun 15, 2017 3.1.1 X509 objects - Python interface to the OpenSSL library get_serial_number() Return the certificate serial number. get_subject() Return an X509Name object representing the subject of the certificate. digest_name must be a string describing a digest algorithm supported by OpenSSL (by EVP_get_digestbyname, specifically). For example, "md5" or "sha1". add_extensions(extensions)